Tuesday, June 3, 2008

semi update

I was tagged by Nikkisab

1. Link the person/people who tagged you
2. Mention the rules in your blog
3. Mention six(6) spectacular quirks of urs
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by adding their links
5. Let each of the tagged bloggers know they've been tagged..via their blogs

Here it goes my quirks

1. I hate feathers, anything feathery, live chic/chicken any kind of fowl. gives me the creeps and nightmares. very disturbing to me.

2. I love spending time in bathroom and toilet, its so calming, enjoy reading in the toilet too.

3. i get lost in books, anything literary holds my attention...i love the whodunnit novels never ever could stand all those romance novels makes me puke. Never read M & B, Harlequin and black lace novels.

4. i day dream alot and imagining things, i like weaving stories about people on the streets....

5. I love thinking and designing business ideas, have operated a dozen or so business ideas and i always loose focus once it succeeds/is in operation.

6. my attention span is close to zero, i lose concentration very fast and am impatient.

i know am wayyyyyyy behind in posting this so i tag anybody and every body reading this blog.

miss you guys and would be back for proper proper update.


NikkiSab said...

Madam..I throw way salute!!!!I don stalk u die!!! U and d feather tin is weird but i guess u got ur reasons. Toilet!!!!!!!!! I hate toilets and bathroom. I cant wait to get in and out of dem. Welcome back gal.
Need I state d obvious, but d obvious will be stated - I'm FIRST!!!

Bunmmy said...


gud to b back

Chari said...

1...haaa u need deliverance

2...enjoying reading in the toilet too..buh only at the haus in yankee and here in naija

3...amwith u on this one too...

what is it with bloggers and day dreaming na?(as if I dont day dream too)..interesting cuz I weave stories abau peeps on the street too...

5...am soo with u on number 5! geez...we need to sit down and talk ahnahn...!

6.geez...ok this is scary very very!


Bunmmy said...

hehehehe@ Charizard,dats y its called quirks.hehehehe