Thursday, February 26, 2009

Keeping Faith

Its been a struggle, a point where all that binds me and keeps me sane is prayer,faith and hope. I wonder why times like this occur and occur regularly to me.Many times i've thought of just going home and giving it all up, dreams aspirations cos i've been fighting for too long, and sometimes need rest, rest of mind, rest in my body etc.
I just keep keeping on and holding on and at the end i'll testify of God's goodness and mercy towards me.

Thanks guys for all your support and help.
Thanks a lot sol.I'll still keep writing and sharing.


LG said...


Afrobabe said...

It is well babes....dont give up...

You will back at this period and laugh..I sometimes (alot of times recently)feel the same way...

O'Dee said...

Deariee, hang in there.
Trust me we all go through tough times.

On some days i just decide to rest; not worry about anything, not bother about the future; just plain old rest.

1 of the guys is a colleague’s boyfriend, the other is a colleagues brother, and the other is my boss at work.