Thursday, February 24, 2011


can i tell you my secrets
and be safe
will you look me in the eye
and remain?

can i cry on those shoulders
can i just be me?
not the girl in the heels
made up to the t's

can you show me your frailty,
and not be ashamed
or pained?

time will tell...
surely time,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Hey Jay!

Seems like you had a busy day
missed you some how i guess..
o well!
my day would have ended uber perfect
if i caught a glimspe of your face at least..

what would i say when we finally ever meet?
what would be the perfect first date?
do you like poetry?
questions fill my mind...
as i lie down
quiet sounds in the background
looking forward to some day hear you call me 'Baby'.
as i stare in your eyes

just let me be lost in them
where only you can find me.

Teach me,
i want to be taught.
to be fragile,
and let go

I don't care if i fall
because am already in pieces...

Good night love....

Monday, February 21, 2011

To Jay

Dear Crush,
Maybe i should call you Jay,
you look like that kind of guy named Jay
cool, calm, handsome, am blushing.....
maybe you've caught a glimpse of my spying eyes
maybe not...
well i'll be lying if i say i don't care
there are always buts right?
and the what ifs,
What if you have a lover
someone who has your heart like no other?
what if?

i'll rather bask in the euphoria
than spoil our silent relantionship.
am all getting lyrical
just thinking about your smile.
so good things can still happen
i didnt even have to look too far.

I'll call you my Muse; Jay.
and keep you in my perfect world.

Okay enough of my boring thoughts...
Hope you had a good day
Mine was beautiful.
grining from ear to ear all day
moving to the love rhythm
it felt strange to be me today....

i could go on and on but i guess i have to stop.
i'll drop you a line tomorrow
hope to dream of you.

Good night Jay

Sunday, February 20, 2011


First time i saw you
my heart stopped
as my gaze lingered on your silhoutte
'God help me' I said
as i meant to pray
but those simple , mysterious eyes made me wonder......
what it would be like in your arms

okay i should be praying
and i did
and hope to see you soon

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pls visit