Friday, July 6, 2007

Broke again?

I'm tired of being broke or having insufficient funds!! i'm very lousy when it comes to saving. i like and love spending, spending spending!! wish the money could just keep flowing in..i need ideas on how to be conservative and save up some of my small change i must confess, there are many get money qucik schemes going round, there's sefteg, club freedom etc where you invest a certain amount within a specific time frame and get some mind blowing returns. was excited about one i heard sometime ago, you put in 33k and invite 2 people and within a certain period you get $6k! later i became sceptical about it as i remembered planwell and the other finance houses that reigned in Benincity a not so long time ago and wrecked quite a number of homes and families. everyone wants to get rich quick and drive the lexus cars and live in mansions in parkview estate, jet at will to any part of the world etc without the sacrifice. well i wouldn't mind as long as i don't have to use my body, scam people or anything illegal or out of the ordinary(occultic, that is another story).
Abi i should use a kolo kolo and save money under my bed? A bank? please....with this atm card craze infact i've been looking for where to hide my atm card and i'll totally forget!! except sha in dire situations...maybe a piggy bank? shares i buy but i like seeing my money and been close to it, you know the knowledge of an easy and fast access to cash gives a feeling of joy.
One thing is sure though, i'm going to be faithful in tithing, don't ask me any question about it because i have no answers to that yet, well lemme face my work and stop day dreaming to keep this source of income.


NikkiSab said...

i want monnneeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy
show me d way wen u find it.

BiMbyLaDs** said...

i echo nikkisab.. show me o! lol