Friday, July 27, 2007

I wonder when........

i want to know how it feels to wake up beside you every morning
with no fears that you'll be gone.............
how it feels to fool myself and still you remain and stay with me,
i wonder when I'll hear your voice in and out of time,
i wonder when I'll get that feeling, of being needed, or wanting you and you are right on time.
when there will be no pretense or cover ups....just you and me, me and you.
I wonder when you'll touch my tears and when I'll smoothen those frown lines....when you'll drive and I'll be asleep by your side not knowing where we are.... how it feels to hear your voice at night saying 'despite and in spite of ...i still want you...'
i long to be in your company my mind and in my heart
knowing i'm always in yours too. to feel your touch...a part of me....a piece of your heart...the look in your eyes....the i'll never leave
i wonder when love would be a permanent reality....

1 comment:

NikkiSab said...

One day soon u will feel these things. The only thing you can do now is remain hopeful B. One day soon, u'll see.