Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cure for Boredom

i'm BORED!!!!!!!!!
infact i just realise that i'm always bored, going through same mundane daily tasks, nothing spiffy or interesting happening. My daily schedule is same day in day out!!
wake up in the morning between 5.30am - 6am, drag myself out of bed by 6.30 and am off to work at 7.15am get home between 5pm - 7pm watch teevee, gist with my friend and sleep...everyday of the week same same same routine. Sometimes i feel like i'll loose it, just flip. There are no extraordinary challenges in the office, everything is just same.

i always complain about being bored and all that and keep wondering what i could do to change it. For starters i would like to make more friends and meet more people. That would be fun thing to do. I just realised that i'm more of a closet kind of person with very few friends.

it just difficult making friends at an old age, sometimes i wish i was much younger and more daring. anyways..................laters


NikkiSab said...

Friends are easy to make, if only u accept dem as de come (annoying, a pest, loveable,selfish,sweet,talkative etc). I get bored too but thank God i met a nice girl who lives nx to me, unless i would av hung myself by now. If u have money u will neva b bored, u'll buy credit n stay in touch, buy a car, travel,go to palms etc.

Bunmmy said...

Hahahahaha!!!!!!!gurlllllll you hilarious, but true.

bighead said...

try this for a change: miss work, sleep late, get fired, drive your car on water instead of petrol and i promise u a turn-around

adoolicious said...

am aa walking dead already, i need to get out of my spot(abj) cos when u make friends ere u lead a seriously false life