Tuesday, July 31, 2007


was thinking how time flies, how so much happens in a twinkle of an eye....
coldplay's clocks was playing in my head as i saw time racing by through your eyes.
i see you and say hello,
you say goodbye and disappear separated by time,
tick i move slowly while you gain years ahead of me,
sluggishly i creep to try to be with you but you fastforward
leaving me again behind.

Through your eyes,
the clocks tick tock, tick tock
as i click my heels waiting for the wizard of Oz.
counting 1,2
clinking shoes, shut eyes

there is no place like home.....


NikkiSab said...

R u talking about a past relationship?

Bunmmy said...

nope there's no reference to relationships past or present.Just my tots on life.

An-Igbo-Dude said...

nice one

so u write peoms too


(that leaves only me)

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