Friday, June 1, 2007


Hmmm, I’m in a kinda spot, I’m supposed to do something , I mean write something nice and sweet to (or is it for ?this grammer thing sef) someone but my mind is just blank, no idea whatsoever is coming to my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a hopeless romantic and really like all that mushy mushy stuff but my ideaology is why start what you can’t end? So I tend to be very careful with my emotions and watch, well that too has never gotten me any where. Do I regret it? No way, rather I’ve learnt from those experiences and somehow hope for something / someone better.
That’s the kind of situation i think am in, torn between keeping my composure and being all ladylike and letting go, got this nagging thought somewhere in my mind, what if’s keep circling my head as it reverberates in my ears. Yeah, I know I’m balled over by your voice, thoughtfulness and nice, caring words, somehow there is a kinda connection or should I call it voice attraction but what if?
I’m hopeful of one thing though, that I’ll be a good friend, one that appreciates good communications and respect. I think that everyone deserves a chance to make a difference; I hope to make a slight / significant difference somehow in my own little B way. Then I think anything can take off from there, I’m still sitting on the fence and viewing stuff . Things like this make me all thoughtful and maybe philosophical as I most times become scared and cringe inside, I hate being in this spot because of fear of decisions to be made which could either go right or wrong, most times I wish I could see the future and know exactly what to expect or maybe wake up one morning and find myself living my dreams but well, its one hurdle we all have to cross someday. You know what? I think I rationalize and plan too much!! So this is for you, Fabulous!

hope you don’t mind me calling you Fabulous, although we’ve spoken for a coupla days, I hope you remain a fabulous friend or else Big Brother will come get you!! (Just couldn’t resist slipping a threat :).
June 2, 2007 is my coz wedding, wishing him and his wifey marital bliss.
Hello to a good friend O, thanks for reading my blog and your nice comments!


fabulous said...

i feel compelled to ask you why you have to envisage an end? why can't you think about it as starting something you don't want to end? No doubt as human beings we always see the negatives in most (future) situations but whatever happened to living life to the max? i have been a victim of living life to the max on so many occasions but i refuse to be made to feel like the person doing something the wrong way by ignorant people taking advantage of the beautiful nature that God has giving to all of us if only we can all open up to it. i thank you for the kind words you've written about me but more than the kind words you mentioned that i say to you, i find myself already feeling my reckless (not really reckless) abandon already taking over me and i will not have it any other way. so when you eventually read this, please bear in mind that i am not sitting on the fence but putting everything of me into getting to know and interact with you because that is the only way i know how to. As long as i am true to myself and to you, then i know that everything will be ok..

NikkiSab said...

Amen to dat 'Fabulous!! tell B. Pessism is d key to any success, even a man who makes u breathless. Relax and open ur mind Lady.